Дальневосточный филиал
Федерального государственного бюджетного
образовательного учреждения высшего образования
"Всероссийская академия внешней торговли
Министерства экономического развития
Российской Федерации"


The Library is the Branch department and its resources are aimed at providing the studying process and the scientific research of the Branch.

The main directions of its work include:

  • Full and quick library service of the students, faculty and staff of the Branch;
  • Library fund formation according to the profile of the Institution and information needs of the users;
  • Organization and maintenance of the reference and bibliographic apparatus;
  • Technical equipment of the library;
  • Economic activity aimed at optimization of the library service.

Implementation of the basic educational programs provides access of each student to the library fund, which contents corresponds to the list of the studied disciplines.

The library fund includes both paper and electronic media.

Besides educational literature it includes official, scientific, reference, training and methodology complexes and working programs, as well as bibliographic and periodic editions.

The library fund of January 15, 2020 includes:

General fund – 39231 copies.

Periodicals – 24

Periodicals in foreign languages – 1

The library provides library and bibliographic services, aimed at the access to the documentary resources. The service is provided through the library subscription, reading room and electronic reading room.

The library performance indicators of January, 15, 2020:

The number of readers: - 474

The number of books lending: 22334

The number of visits: 7668

Consultations: 1782

Book exhibitions: 13.

Creating reference search apparatus is one the library activity fields, which means providing the reader with the fullest information of the availability of the required literature in the library fund.  It is done through the electronic catalogue.

The catalogue includes (for January, 15, 2020) – 5882 book entries.

It includes the following files:

Papers from periodicals:  9680

Media library:  268

Teaching aids of the Foreign trade academy (Moscow): 526

Scientific works of the Far East Branch faculty: 310.

The library is equipped with the modern technical devices: computers, scanners, printers, copy machines. There’s Internet access and reference –search system Consultant Plus.

Electronic-library systems ZNANIUM.COM


e-library system


Site address

Owner, contract




Znanium PJSC

Contract No 4382 of March,13,2020


Electronic-library system (ELS) is a collection of electronic copies of different editions (books, magazines, papers etc.), grouped according to topics and aims. There is a convenient search system with navigation, bookmaking, book shelfing, page copy system, collecting statistics, and other services, providing successful scientific and learning activities.

ELS ZNANIUM.COM is an independent scientific development of the scientific publishing center INFRA-M.

You get on-line access to thousands of monographs, textbooks, directories, scientific magazines, dissertations, scientific papers in various fields.

The ELS fund is regularly supplemented with new electronic copies of editions, published by the scientific publishing center INFRA-M, collections of books and papers by other Russian publishing houses, and independent authors.

Students get the access to the ELS through the portal ZNANIUM.

  • You need to fill in standard registration data on the main page of the portal, at https://new.znanuim.com/ at the registration section.
  • At the registration section in the block MY registration keys (Мои ключи регистрации) you need to find in the list Application for getting access (Заявка на получение ключа доступа) in the field Choose your educational institution (Выберите свое учебное заведение) Russian foreign trade academy of the Ministry for Economic development, Far East Branch. (Всероссийская академия внешней торговли Министерства экономического развития РФ, Дальневосточный филиал).
  • After approving the registration in the system, application for the access key is automatically formed from the registered student. The similar application you can get from your Personal account.
  • After approving the application the massage of the access is sent to the personal e-mail. The access key will be activated automatically and the user can see it in his (her) personal account on the page My access keys (Мои ключи доступа).

The detailed instructions are given at http://new.znanium.com/help/user